Revive the Divine Feminine Around You

The Magic of Praise and Presence

Posted by Paulis Barzdins on November 07, 2023 · 19 mins read

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Revive the Divine Feminine Around You: The Magic of Praise and Presence

I. Introduction

Imagine igniting a spark, kindling a flame, and illuminating the world around you. This isn’t magic, it’s the power of the Divine Feminine, and it’s within your grasp.

The energy that moves life is the force of the Feminine. She is unstoppable. She is the source of all life, the mover of blood, the breather of breath, the flow of the river’s water. The Feminine is life. We can feel Her moving and living in any moment we are open to Her, or as Her.

– David Deida

This description of the divine feminine might at times seem at odds with the feminine you observe; seemingly closed and uninspiring, tired and unenthusiastic. But it might be that the feminine in your life just needs some praise and openness and presence and, suddenly, you find yourself in radiant paradise! Like with the fucking sandcastle! We’ll get to that…

In the mean time what we’re discussing here is the divine masculine and feminine; how the masculine can learn to be a good gardener to the natural force, life, and energy that is the feminine, not to tame or influence, but to encourage and give room to radiate and grow.


II. The Power of Compliments

The masculine grows by challenge, but the feminine grows by praise.

Praise is literal food for feminine qualities. If you want your woman to grow in her radiance, health, happiness, love, beauty, power and depth, praise these qualities. Praise them daily. A number of times.

– David Deida

The power of praise is often underestimated, yet it can be a game-changer. In my dance school, there was a time when motivation seemed to be waning, enthusiasm was low, and the girls seemed to have lost their spark. But instead of despairing I saw this as an opportunity. I made it a point to praise their efforts, their grace, their strength, and their beauty. I was open with them, present in as many moments as I could, and breathed life into the room with words of encouragement. The result? A transformation like no other. The energy was palpable, the enthusiasm infectious, and the motivation unstoppable. I had tapped into the divine feminine within them, and they had responded with an enthusiasm that was nothing short of divine.

This brings me to my next point, the necessity of praise, especially when you least want to give it. It’s exactly at the point when the feminine appears least radiant, borderline repulsive, that praise is needed the most. It is the role of the masculine to rise above his ego, to initiate the awakening. It may seem like a test, a challenge even, but the celebration that follows is worth every effort.

Remember, praise doesn’t always have to come in the form of compliments. Sometimes, all it takes is being present, being open, and breathing life into the room (and I am indeed talking about physically breathing… sounds weird but, again, I’ll get to it). It’s about creating an environment where the divine feminine feels acknowledged, appreciated, and free to express herself. It’s about being the gardener who nurtures the seed, allows it to grow, and watches it bloom into a radiant flower.

III. Respect Boundaries

The different methods for opening the feminine become most important, when we remember that you’ll have different relationships to them. There is a big difference between how you wake up your girlfriend, and how you wake up a person on the street that you haven’t exchanged names with. Because while playfulness is a great medium to deliver the space for growth, in some scenarios it might step on some boundaries which would be horribly unproductive, potentially criminal.

It isn’t only intention – if you touch a stranger as you would your partner, it is fair enough that they might want to send you jail-ways.

With this somber reminder out of the way, these different relationships pose an interesting challenge! As the way to awaken, praise, open the feminine will vastly differ.

With a partner, you can do most anything. Pick them up and tickle and kiss and wrestle and compliment and bite and chew and … you ought to get the idea and likely have some specific additions popping up in your mind. Good! Use your own thing to deliver praise, to force everyone to be present, to create the environment for opening.

If it is someone you don’t yet even know (say you are reading this at a park sunbathing, and there is some feminine energy reading a book some 10 meters away) then you can’t do much other than just opening yourself, and transition that openness purely through you being there. Doing some breathing exercises while reading my book, opening up and breathing as the whole park; when I glance over I can feel the person responding to the breath. Sometimes you’ll even start occasional eye contact and then you can see what reaction the person has. You might at that point write off the opening effect to a form of indirect courtship through eye contact, but even if so! If my breath and eyes can transfer positive coquette where the recipient finds that acceptable, I’ll take this explanation of the phenomenon, good enough to me as a form of awakening the feminine.

If it is a friend… you have to know yourself where the boundaries are. With some of mine I can somewhat act as I described with the partner, with others you know it will be only minimal talking and mostly presence and maybe a smile. And none of these are bad! With the latter it gives you the opportunity to focus on your own inner world and open that up without yet having to figure out how to transfer that outwards; you just sit and breathe and think about opening yourself – perfect practice to later act best in situations with more options (so you don’t start randomly biting and tickling people at wrong times for no reason, alas we’d see the return to yanking braids, which at least in Latvia is a symbol of little boys “flirting” when they don’t know where else to put the attention they want to give the girl, so they yank on the braids).

IV. Personal Observation and Experience

A couple of weeks ago I had one of the most magical experiences. I was over at a friends place (a sauna by the sea) for a party. There was a mix of people I did and didn’t know. One morning there me and my brother wanted to go by the seaside to read; as we were gathering books and drinks and something to smoke, some girls had plans of their own – to go build a sandcastle. So they went, we joined, and each started to do our own thing.

What followed was beautiful; nothing grand, but beautiful (except for the sandcastle, that was grand and beautiful).

Our direct interactions were minimal; smoked together, at one point they asked for a suggestion, then we went over to check out the results. Three direct interactions over that many hours is nothing. Yet I felt connected and charged through-out.

Occasional eye-contact, but mostly just breathing. Breathing as the whole beach.

Every interaction with a passerby was pleasant! Likely because they were shockingly charming girls, the weather was gorgeous (and I’d like to think that me and my brother, two giants sitting there keeping an eye out, didn’t hurt).

From our party a couple of times someone came down to the beach to see what’s up, and as they neared they automatically entered the tranquil state that lay on the beachside. Nothing could bother the environment, and no one (even accidentally) tried.

All anyone could do is come, start slightly smiling, give compliments to the sandcastle and be on their way.

And the compliments worked their magic; after the initial version of the sandcastle was finished, the received compliments simply started an immediate second stage of building and decorating and adding and the magical experience simply continued.

All I did was sunbathe and read while being present and breathing. What I received – all. It really isn’t a fair trade.


V. Overcoming Objections

At this point, your brain might start throwing some objections to this approach (I’ll try and swat some of them before they take too deep a hold). After all, why should you be the one to shower compliments, to invest energy in being present and calm? The answer is simple - because you are the masculine (assuming you are). The feminine will reciprocate, oh how she will, but she’ll not go first. It’s a dance of energy exchange, and you’re the one who has to set the pace. Yes, it might seem counterintuitive and a bit daunting, especially when immediate gratification is so easily accessible (though we hopefully know by now not to over-indulge). But trust me, the long-term rewards will be much more fulfilling.

Take for example, a personal experience I had at a local cafe / bookstore. A new barista started working there; I’d only seen her once or twice, but since that interaction had been a warm greeting, genuine thank you, and maybe some compliment as I’m leaving, then the next meeting has stayed in memory for me. I arrived hurriedly in a video call, couldn’t go in to order so just sat down outside thinking I’d order after the call. The barista comes out, mouths at me “flat white?” (my usual order), and I only need to nod and I get my coffee mid call! And for what… a greeting and a goodbye?

Another objection could be the assumption that this approach only works if you’re tall and handsome. First, you have imagined correctly, I am damn big and beautiful. But second – you won’t become more attractive by being bitter, absent, and withholding compliments. Your presence, your attitude, and your words can make a significant difference. So, work with what you got.

You might also argue that this approach is manipulative, that you’re leading people on. But as The School of Life beautifully puts it, “Good flirting is in essence an attempt, driven by kindness and imaginative excitement, to inspire another person to believe more firmly in their own likability, psychological as much as physical. It is a gift offered not in order to manipulate, but out of a pleasure at perceiving what is most attractive in another.” (from Why Flirting Matters) It’s not about manipulation, but about helping others see their own attractiveness. It’s a healthy and essential social dynamic that can be applied in non-romantic situations as well.

Lastly, you might object to this approach because you don’t find the person attractive. But remember, attractiveness is not just about physical appearance. It’s also about the radiance, the energy, the life a person exudes. If someone seems unattractive, it could be because they’re out of touch with their femininity, love, and beauty. This is the moment they need your compliment and presence the most. By helping them awaken their radiance, you’re not only doing them a favour but also creating a more pleasant environment for yourself.

The effort it takes to give a single compliment is minuscule compared to the potential gain of feminine radiance. While it may not always be easy, and at times might seem like a thankless job (especially when you’re still practicing), the eventual positive impact it will have – everything around you smiling and shining and radiant and alive – is worth every effort.

The good flirter isn’t making things up; they are not merely flattering or manipulating. They are offering us a view we very rarely get of ourselves as desirable.

– *(from the same School of Life article)*

VI. Framework for Awakening the Feminine

The journey of awakening the feminine is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It’s a process that requires a blend of techniques, patience, and a deep understanding of the feminine energy. Here, I am sharing a simple yet effective framework that can help you in this endeavor.

Simple Approach: Genuine Compliments

The first step in this framework is giving genuine compliments. To friends, waiters, baristas, random passerby. The power of a sincere compliment cannot be overstated. It can light up a person’s day, make them feel seen, and inspire them to bring out their best. It’s important to note, however, that the compliments should never be empty or fake. Paying attention allows us to find something to genuinely praise. Give compliments to the feminine, and give them freely! I haven’t yet been able to give too many. The key here is to not expect anything in return. This is not a transaction, but a gift of acknowledgement and appreciation.

Bit more advanced approach: Breathing Exercises

The next level of this framework involves a more advanced technique, which can be practiced on your own – breathe open yourself, thus breathing open the surroundings. This technique involves deep belly breathing exercises that help create a calm and open environment. This calmness will radiate to others, allowing them to more freely express themselves. A fuller description of the breathing exercises can be found here, but a super short version is – deep belly breath in, with the energy traveling with the breath down the front of your body; then full exhale with the energy moving up your spine to the top of your head.

I had a very concrete experience with this at a daytime rave once; I could feel moment to moment differences in how others danced and acted depending on how I breathed. Try it yourself and maybe you’ll too find the calmness radiating to others, “allowing them to more freely express themselves”.

Advanced Approach: Interaction and Release

The final level of this framework is the most advanced and cannot be done solo. It is to fully interact with life while practicing releasing tension, releasing fear, and releasing as much of the weight as you can. Breathe calm and open, be present and aware. This stage somewhat requires having your whole life solved and figured out, so go easy on yourself. Meanwhile, just try not to act out of tension or fear when communicating with others.

This framework is not a quick fix, but rather a guide for a lifelong journey of understanding, appreciating, and awakening the feminine. Like any journey, it will have its ups and downs, but the rewards of seeing the feminine energy around you blossom and thrive are immeasurable.

VII. Conclusion

The power of praise is immense. It has the ability to awaken the divine feminine, to ignite a spark, and to kindle a flame. It is the key to unlocking the radiant paradise that lies within each of us. So, let’s make a conscious effort to praise more, to be present, and to breathe openness into every moment. Let’s awaken the divine feminine and watch as it illuminates the world around us.

With that I wish you a month filled with feminine radiance,

Be a good gardener,


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